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DID YOU KNOW that few nutrients have been studied as thoroughly as Omega fatty acids? EVERYONE should be taking OMEGA!!

DID YOU KNOW that Omega fatty acids are a crucial part of human cell membranes? They help keep the membranes that surround all cells in the body working well. These fatty acids must be ingested because the body is unable to produce them.

DID YOU KNOW that there is so much scientific support for the benefits of Omega fatty acids that you can get a prescription for them from a doctor?

DID YOU KNOW that most people have sufficient or over-consumption of Omega 6? These are found in vegetable oils used for so many things, including fried foods and salad dressings, and are in meats and dairy products. However, other Omegas such as 3, 5, and 7 are often deficient in a typical diet. That is why Omega 3, 5, and 7 are included in ASEA’s OMEGA supplement.

DID YOU KNOW that an IMBALANCE of these essential fatty acids can trigger the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals and is considered a major contributing factor to many chronic diseases?

DID YOU KNOW that the Omega 3’s, EPA and DHA, are found in fatty fish? ALA, found in some nuts and seeds, can be converted within the body to EPA and DHA, but unfortunately, the conversion rate is low. For maximizing health benefits, consuming EPA and DHA is ideal.

Here are just some of the tremendous health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids that some studies have shown:

  • BRAIN HEALTH : A decreased risk of age-related mental decline and Alzheimer’s disease. EPA, in particular, has been shown to help with depression and anxiety. According to a 2017 article published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, researchers found that for patients with high Omega-3 levels, blood flow in specific areas of the brain was increased.
  • HEART HEALTH : Why can doctors prescribe Omega 3? Because studies have shown it contributes to heart health. It can lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure, and slow development of plaque in the arteries which can help prevent stroke and heart attack.
  • EYE HEALTH: DHA is a major structural component of our eyes’ retinas.
  • LOWER RISK OF ASTHMA: Omega 3 intake has been associated with a lower risk of asthma in children and young adults.
  • AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE : Balanced Omega intake can help those with an auto-immune disease by helping to combat the resulting excessive inflammation.

DID YOU KNOW why ASEA’s OMEGA supplement is superior? Here are just a few of the reasons:

  • Sourced from sustainable, wild-caught fish – not from farmed fish.
  • No fishy aftertaste or bad breath associated with most fish oil supplements.
  • It includes Astaxanthin derived from algae. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory that reduces oxidative stress and works with the Omegas to support heart health, brain health, eye health, and more!

Order ASEA’s OMEGA today!

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