How to Respond to Negative Websites

And things to know regarding negative websites

Google is a search engine, not a research engine! Help people understand that the internet is like the “bathroom wall of the world”. Anything can be posted on the internet with little, or no, substance behind it. Our job is to guide people to valid information. Please click on “Frequently used websites” for valid information.

Here are some things to know regarding negative websites :

  • The more people click on these negative websites, the higher their web search ranking becomes. Participating in the comments sections of these sites will also raise the rankings and won’t help the situation…so please do not click and do not comment.
  • These negative sites tell a one sided story- they are definitely not balanced coverage. These people seem to have a mission to tear down alternatives, supplements, network marketing, ASEA… or all of the above.
  • Below are some websites for you and your prospects, which provide balance, and refute the negatives:


Wishing you Health, Happiness, and Prosperity in your ASEA journey! Sincerely, Your ASEA Friends Trish & Bob Schwenkler


How To Use This Website

Watch this video on how to get the most out of this website for you and your business.

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